
Marco Fritzsche


UK, USA, Germany, China, Optics, Biotech,
Pharma, Communications

Professor Marco Fritzsche Oxford


Marco Fritzsche is an Oxford University Professor credited with bringing true interdisciplinary expertise to biomedical technology consulting, shifting the perspective of how biophysics underpins the human immune system. By combining advanced imaging technologies with force-probing and microfluidics technology, he enabled unprecedented insights into biological functioning from tissues down to single molecules in health and disease. 


This success led to the development of the Oxford-ZEISS Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Imaging (Oxford-ZEISS CoE) under the leadership of its scientific director, Professor Fritzsche. The centre is a strategic partnership between Carl ZEISS AG and the University of Oxford, where novel imaging technologies are created, benchmarked, and applied. 


In 2016, Professor Fritzsche established his independent research group, the Biophysical Immunology Laboratory, at the Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford. The BPI lab moved to the Rosalind Franklin Institute and the Kennedy Institute for Rheumatology in 2020. The BPI Laboratory aims to unravel the impact of biophysics and mechanobiology on the human immune response to health and disease. For this mission, the BPI lab develops custom-built microscopy technology at the interface of biophysics and immunology.

Professor Fritzsche holds a BSc in physics, a BSc in mathematics, and an MSc in theoretical physics. He conducted his PhD in experimental biophysics and cell biology at the London Centre for Nanotechnology at the University College London, UK. During this time, he also worked in computational physics at Princeton University in the USA. He performed his Postdoctoral work at the University of Oxford in close collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Farm, USA. His current research includes the development and application of optical microscopy, sensitive force probing technologies, and analysis pipelines for quantitative bioimaging.

He is also an editor in multiple top-tier research journals.